About Us

Reefwheel Supplies was established to cater to the growing demand in the kitchen countertop replacements market. We are the only company in Singapore specializing in this

From our intensive market survey, we have confirmed that numerous homeowners have been suffering in silence with their old/damage kitchen countertops due to water seepages. Many homeowners are having difficulties in simply changing their countertops as contractors would rather re-do the entire kitchen set up than to only replace the countertops for customers.

For this reason, Reefwheel Supplies was established to specially arrest this problem.

Due to budget constraint or other reasons, why squander thousands and thousands of hard earned savings and not forgetting the hassles, mess and downtime of cooking for your family for a few weeks by re-doing your entire kitchen cabinets when you can simply change your old/damage kitchen countertops without hindering your normal daily lives of cooking for your family. NO DOWNTIME.

NO DOWNPAYMENT for replacement of kitchen countertop in residential homes. We understand your fears of unscrupulous / dishonest contractors who disappear into thin air after collecting your down-payment. Rest assured, NO RISK, NO FEARS and we give you peace of mind, as we DO NOT collect down-payment. We only collect full payment upon completion of installation.

On top of this, our sales staffs are always present during measurements and installation. We DO NOT dump our workers at your place without supervision.